Ingredients :-
Click here to know :- How to make Idli/Dosa batter
Dosa batter ;
Egg - 1 for each dosa ;
Egg - 1 for each dosa ;
Idli powder ;
Salt ;
Ghee/Oil ;
Method :-
1). Heat a non-stick pan, pour a ladle full
of the batter
and spread like normal dosa to a medium thick/thin Dosa.
2). Once the dosa is spread, break one egg at the center of the Dosa ( you can also pour a beaten egg ).
2). Once the dosa is spread, break one egg at the center of the Dosa ( you can also pour a beaten egg ).
3). Spread it leaving 1 " space from edges. This will form a thin outer crust of Dosa. Let it cook on a low flame.
4). Sprinkle some salt and Idli-powder on the egg.
5). Smear oil around the Dosa.
4). Sprinkle some salt and Idli-powder on the egg.
5). Smear oil around the Dosa.
7). Dosa will turn little brown and crispy, slowly slide the dosa into a plate. This makes a wholesome and filling meal.
If the Idli powder is spicy, just serve with plain curd. If its not spicy, serve with some spicy chutney. It can also be served with Tomato sauce.
Method 2:-
Beat Eggs, onions, green chillies, salt and coriander powder. Substitute this step instead of above(step2 and step3).
If you are giving to you kids you can try Method-1.
Variation :-
You can add Veggies and Cheese into the egg mix(Method2).
Note :-
# For weight watchers or people who are following a low fat diet avoid the Egg yolks and make with Egg whites.
# I read somewhere that Women who consumed more choline(a nutrient found in the yolk of the Egg) had a reduced risk of breast cancer. # Store eggs in a refrigerator. This is recommended to avoid Salmonella contamination which can happen whether the shell is broken or not.
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Related Posts :-
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Click here for more :- Dosa Recipes
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If you are giving to you kids you can try Method-1.
Variation :-
You can add Veggies and Cheese into the egg mix(Method2).
Note :-
# For weight watchers or people who are following a low fat diet avoid the Egg yolks and make with Egg whites.
# I read somewhere that Women who consumed more choline(a nutrient found in the yolk of the Egg) had a reduced risk of breast cancer. # Store eggs in a refrigerator. This is recommended to avoid Salmonella contamination which can happen whether the shell is broken or not.
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Related Posts :-
Click here for more :- Egg Recipes
Click here for more :- Dosa Recipes
Click here for more :- Kids Recipes
Click here for more :- Tiffin Recipes