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Rice -Tips

The main dietary staple for half the world, rice is an infinitely adaptable grain.

Basmati Rice :-
# Add a few drops of lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon of ghee while steaming basmati rice to make it whiter and keep the rice unbroken.
# Make sure it is aged/ old rice. The new rice will become sticky when you cook. 

# Rice should be stored away from moisture and open air. Rice will get moldy if exposed to moisture.

Tips on correct way to consume fruits

Fruits are an essential source of  fiber and vitamins,fruit dyes (phyto chemicals) as an antioxidant. But still many people don’t know when to eat fruit.

International Cuisine - Main Course

Cauliflower Au-gratin

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Milk - Benefits and tips

There are several varieties of milk on the market, such as whole, 2%, low-fat and fat free. If you are concerned about the growth hormones used in milk, choose to go the organic route. With all types of milk available, you should be able to find something that fits your diet and nutritional needs.

Banana Ripening & Preservation Tips

Most people like bananas when the peel is yellow or yellow with brown flecks.

To Ripe :-
# If the bananas you buy are too green, you can put them in a brown paper bag overnight to speed up the ripening process. 
# They ripen fast because there is no air and a lack of oxygen.