- Pick up firm, plump and unblemished kiwis. The size of the kiwifruit does not affect quality or taste.
- Select a fruit and hold it between your fingers and thumb. Gently press. If the fruit yields in to this pressure, then you have chosen a ripe kiwi. If not, the fruit is not ready to be consumed yet as it hasn’t reached the peak of its sweetness.
- Avoid kiwis which are too soft or have bruises and moist spots.
- In case you have purchased hard kiwifruits, you may leave them at room temperature to ripen. Make sure it is protected from sunlight and heat.
- If you place an uncut kiwi in a plastic bag with a few holes punctured and in the refrigerator, it will last for at-least 6 months. However, it is advisable to consume kiwis within a week.
- Another alternative to preserve the freshness of kiwis, Peel the fruit and cover it with heavy sugar syrup, containing ½ tsp ascorbic acid per quart of liquid. Thereafter, place them in a freezer. This increases its longevity to up to a year.
- To speed up the process of ripening, wrap the kiwis in a paper bag, along with an apple, banana or pear. When fully ripened, store the fruits either at room temperature or in the refrigerator.
Click here for more :- Kiwi Recipes
Click here for more :- Fruits Tips