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Happy Ugadi 2013 !!

Happy Ugadi and Hindi new year wishes to all my dear friends and readers who are celebrating !! This is a time of new beginnings and for the celebration of life !! Hope this year brings you in good Health, Peace and Prosperity.

Ugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar with a change in the moon's orbit. On Ugadi day, people wake up before the break of dawn and take a head bath after which they decorate the entrance of their houses with fresh mango leaves. Tying mango leaves to the doorway signifies a good crop and general well-being.

After doing prayers, jaggery mixed with neem leaves will be served. The bitter taste of neem leaves and the sweet of jaggery symbolize joy and sorrow in life. It is a season for raw mangoes spreading its aroma in the air and the fully blossomed neem tree that makes the air healthy. This festival brings back lots of memories. 

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